Just like Magic

Just like anything you put into your body, you get out what you take in; therefore,  if you properly give your body the nutrients it desires, your body will result in good performance. Not only is tea delicious and diverse, it is suggested to offer phenomenal health benefits. Below, you will find a list of teas that have the potential to transform your health from the most popular to the rarest tea class.

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this list contains supposed health benefits of tea, according WebMD. Please read this with a grain of salt! cup of tea!

Black Tea:

As a general category, black tea contains the most caffeine since it is fermented longer than others.

Heart Health: Black tea reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. Also, it has been proven to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes (3 cups daily).

Oral Health: Reduces plaque build-up (1 cup daily)

Bone Health: Is said to treat osteoporosis and prevent arthritis (3 cups daily)

Immune system Health: Boosts immune system which prevents illness ( 2 cups daily)

Mental Health: Promotes concentration and alleviates stress (1 cup daily)*My late nights of studying can attest to this.*

Digestive Health: Helps slow digestive activity (1 cup after meal)

Green Tea:

Green tea is assumed to be the most beneficial tea out of the six classes.

Heart Health: Reduces risk of Type 2 diabetes, lowers cholesterol, and risk of cardiovascular disease (3 cups daily)

Immune system: Helps fight disease (good for sickness) and contains helpful antioxidants (1 cup daily)

Mental Health: Lowers stress levels and prevents Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease (1 cup daily)

Weight Health: Green tea is thought to be the most effective tea that promotes weight loss (1 cup daily).

White Tea:

White tea is minimally processed so it is said to be the best anti-cancer tea. This light tea contains many of the same benefits of green tea since they are made alike. Green tea is the most identical tea to white tea because white tea is just harvested at a younger age.

Oolong Tea:

Oolong is my personal favorite tea class for its smooth yet strong palate. Oolong is the most similar to black tea and offers many of the same health benefits.

Heart Health: Lowers cholesterol and aids stabilization of blood sugar. (3 cups daily)

Immune System Health: Loaded with antioxidants and prevents illness/ cellular damage (1 cup daily)

Skin Health: Helps prevent aging and promotes elasticity of the skin (1 cup daily)

Oral Health: Prevents tooth decay (1 cup daily)

Bone Health: Like black tea, helps treat osteoporosis and arthritis (3 cups daily)

Mental Health: Helps with focus/concentration

Dark Tea:

Dark teas do not get too much attention and are unknown to most Westerners. Dark teas are most similar to green teas due to their oxidation processes. An example of a dark tea is Pu’erh tea. Dark teas have many of the same health benefits of green and white teas.

Yellow Tea:

The rarest of teas, yellow tea is only found in a select area of China. The leaves are oxidized slightly longer than green tea and undergo an additional step, steaming and wrapping the leaves before oxidation; this allows them to absorb their flavor. Yellow tea is unlike any other tea class and is the snowflake of tea. Although it does not possess as great of health benefits as green tea, it is unique in taste and a rare treat.

Digestive Health: Stimulates appetite (1 cups daily)

Immune Health: Helps prevent illness (2 cups daily)

Herbal “tea” is not included in this list because I do not classify it as a tea (harsh, I know).  The teas above all originate from the Camellia Sinensis plant, which give them their classification. Herbal teas are often made from flowers and alternative plants; therefore, I do not deem them tea but rather herbal infusions.

I would recommend drinking three cups of tea daily to achieve the most beneficial results in aiding your health. Feel free to mix-and-match different teas in order to reach the suggested cups daily. I am not a doctor, but from my own experience, I can claim that my health has improved drastically after committing to tea. Tea is the ideal alternative to sugary drinks.

Add milk or honey to any of these teas to add a bit of sweetness.

Thanks for reading and happy steeping!


Edgar, Julia. “Types of Teas and Their Health Benefits.” WebMD. WebMD, 20 Mar. 2009. Web. 16 June 2016.

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